Online TIP Assessment Instructions
Please read all the directions before you begin
Step 1: Preparation
Allow approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes to complete this assessment.
To maximize your effort, please be aware of the following:
- It is best to be in an area free of distractions, as some sections are timed.
- To get through the timed portions properly, we recommend a computer and mouse.
- Do not take the assessment on a phone, tablet, or iPad.
- If you wear glasses, we recommend you have them available.
- Have pen and paper available.
- Be candid and true to who you are with your responses.

Step 2: Follow the Link
Go to and click Continue
Step 3: Enter Supplied Codes
- Master Account Code: R45Y8R
- Secondary Account Code: VSPARK
- After typing in both codes, click “Click Here to Begin the Questionnaire”
⚠️ If you encounter any technical problems, please call the Career Resources, Inc. support line: (972)-314-0018, ext. 5.
Note: Where you are asked for the “Company Applying To” please put the
name of the company for whom you are completing the assessment. When
asked for the “Position Applying For,” please type the title of the position
Step 4: Fill in the Required Fields
When entering only use the “TAB” key to fill in the appropriate information and answer all questions
Do NOT use the “ENTER” key
Do NOT use the “ENTER” key
Step 5: Start Evaluation
- Click “Start Evaluation“
- From there until the end of the test, follow the instructions of each section, and answer the questions
- Your session is finished when the screen displaying “Thank You for Taking Our Assessment” appears