What are Your Hiring Resolutions for 2023?
November 28, 2022
Our Favorite Books on Hiring
December 27, 2022Successfully hiring top talent is crucial to building and growing your business.
But it doesn’t happen without the dedication, determination, and knowledge of a skilled Hiring Manager.
We’ve done our fair share of hiring and have an excellent handle on what makes an effective Hiring Manager. Inspired by Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, we’ve compiled a list of seven habits that highly effective Hiring Managers possess:
Habit #1: Highly Effective Hiring Managers Always Stay True to Their Core Values
Core Values are important to an organization, and an effective Hiring Manager knows them, lives them, and communicates them to potential candidates.
When a Hiring Manager believes in the company’s Core Values and demonstrates them in how they talk, act, and conduct the hiring process, that authenticity attracts like-minded candidates to the position. And finding candidates who share your Core Values is what we are all hoping to achieve through the hiring process.
Habit #2: Highly Effective Hiring Managers are Open and Transparent
An effective Hiring Manager is sincere and honest. Being vulnerable, in the moment, and open to other perspectives is appealing to candidates and makes them feel safe and comfortable to do the same.
Habit #3: Highly Effective Hiring Managers Establish a Hiring Process and Stick to it
Just as you have processes for other parts of your business, you should have one for hiring, too. An effective Hiring Manager understands how necessary a systematic hiring process is and commits to following it with every hire.
Habit #4: Highly Effective Hiring Mangers Cast a Wide Net
Having a large, diverse group of candidates to vet is essential, and it’s what you get when you cast a wide net. An effective Hiring Manager understands that hiring from a pool of one is not the best way to find the right-fit candidate. They don’t choose the first qualified candidate from their traditional sources, as tempting and convenient as that may seem. They know that when the offer is made to the right candidate, all the effort to cast a wide net will be worth it.
Habit #5: Highly Effective Hiring Managers Know Who They Want to Hire
Highly effective Hiring Managers have clearly identified the responsibilities of the open position, and the skills, experience, and talent required of the candidate to fill it. When you know who you want to hire, the right-fit candidate stands out.
Habit #6: Highly Effective Hiring Managers Don’t Settle
Patience, persistence, and determination are the name of the game when it comes to hiring. An effective Hiring Manager holds firm to the position’s expectations and doesn’t make an offer until a candidate has proven to be the right fit. Hiring Managers who settle will find themselves with an open position again before they know it.
Habit #7: Highly Effective Hiring Managers Have a Strong Onboarding Process
Once you’ve found your ideal candidate, it’s time to start the onboarding process. Onboarding is more than just orientation—it’s an ongoing process that helps your new hire understand their responsibilities, the company culture and Core Values, and what success in their position looks like. An effective Hiring Manager knows that a strong onboarding process contributes to employee satisfaction, happiness, and longer employment with the company.
Does your company have a highly effective Hiring Manager? If you need assistance with any aspect of your hiring process, contact VisionSpark! We possess the seven habits of highly effective Hiring Managers, and we’d be happy to share our expertise with you. We can help you Hire With Confidence™!