Event Recap: Leading to Success – Leadership Hiring During COVID-19
November 20, 2020
Event Recap: 3 Keys to Hiring Successfully in 2021
December 17, 2020Was Your Candidate’s Response to that Question a Green Flag or a Red Flag?
Your candidate’s picture on paper comes to life during the interview. You get to meet them, talk with them, ask questions about their experience, and get a feel for how they would fit in your company. Be on the look out for these red flags that will tell you to steer clear and the green flags that will tell you to keep going!
These conversations can be enlightening—sometimes positively, sometimes negatively—and it’s important to know how to interpret their answers, behavior, and the general impression they give you during the interview.
Here are a few red flags and green flags your candidates could be waving.
Red Flags
Be on the lookout for these red flags your candidates may exhibit during the interview process:
- They don’t follow application instructions. The application is incomplete. They don’t answer all the questions or provide the requested information.
- Last minute or repeated rescheduling. Life happens, but if a candidate reschedules the interview repeatedly or is late, it could be a sign of their lack of commitment to the process.
- Employment gaps in their resume. And they don’t have an explanation for why.
- Job-hopping. They’ve had several positions for less than two years, and blame the company or co-workers for why things didn’t work out.
- No eye contact. They look down or to the side—anywhere but directly at you.
- Vague interview answers. When you ask specific questions or probe for examples, they talk in circles and don’t answer the questions directly.
- They just want “a job.” When asked, they don’t provide a specific reason for their interest in your position or company, other than they just need a job.
- They don’t ask questions. They don’t ask about the company, the role, the people or the process.
Green Flags
During the interview process, be on the lookout for some green flags that your candidate could be a fit:
- Attention to detail. They answer application questions completely and thoroughly.
- They stick. They have longevity in at least one position.
- They give specific answers. They provide complete responses and relevant examples to the questions you are asking, and their answers are in line with your core values.
- Explainable gaps in their resume. They have understandable reasons for employment gaps.
- They stay positive. They take a respectful approach when sharing negative information about past experiences, and take ownership when they’ve made mistakes. They are upbeat, engaging and able to make a connection.
- They ask questions. They ask about the position, the process, and the opportunity to contribute to and grow the company.
While these red flags and green flags aren’t the only things to consider when hiring or not hiring a candidate, they are important to know about and be aware of.
If you are struggling with the hiring process or what to look for in a qualified candidate for your position, please contact us! We’ve seen our share of red flags and green flags and have the tools and processes to help you determine if your candidate is the right fit for your open seat!